Sunday, October 18, 2009

Paid Unemployment

I got my first unemployment check on Friday! It's a pretty decent amount, given the salary I had at my last job, so it'll keep me housed and fed for a while. I'm still looking at jobs, but I'm focusing my efforts on turning my internship into a real, paid gig.

In other news, I've started another blog: One Nerdy Thing. It's a bunch of musings on a range of nerdy topics (politics, literature, geography, etc.). Check it out, please!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie,
    Sorry to hear about the Foreign Service. They terminated my friend Jason's application after the interview without telling him why. It's frustrating -- I think he'd be great abroad! As would you. :)

    There's a fabulous book called "Delaying the Real World" that I recommend to everyone. It's got great tips for twentysomething job hunters looking for adventure. I followed its' advice and ended up taking high school students to Morocco. It was way cool.

    Have you thought about the Peace Corps? PC alums get a bump when applying for govt jobs. So if public service is something you're thinking about, the Peace Corps may be a good first step. :)

    Good luck.
    -- Anna
