Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Classic Liberal Arts Grad

I'm the classic liberal arts college graduate: I've plenty of things in which I'm interested, but no idea which one I should pursue as a career. I majored in theatre (yes, I like to spell it the British way) and minored in anthropology, education, and history. I sang in Chorale and Chamber Singers and held three different positions on the school newspaper staff (copy-editor, news editor, and editor-in-chief). I worked in the theatre scene shop, the alumnae office, and the study abroad office.

In addition, I'm a geography nerd, I love board games, and I can't make it through the day without doing a crossword or some sort of Japanese logic puzzle. I took French for seven years (though I don't remember a whole lot of it, save the pronunciation) and Russian for one (I was bored the year after college).

So what am I to do with my life? I just spent the last two years as a second grade teacher and have determined that being a classroom teacher is not right for me. I took the Foreign Service Officer Test last week, but who knows if I'll pass (the test is really hard). I worked retail for a while right after college and that didn't fit my personality. All that I do know is that I'm interested in a wide variety of things and that there must be some job out there that would make me happy.

Starting tomorrow, I will be posting my job idea of the day. Some will be more practical than others. Some may be real jobs I've found on Craigslist. If you know of a job opening in San Francisco or have background information about any of the jobs I post, please let me know.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Darlin!

    I saw your blog on facebook, read the first post and had an idea. It may not be intellectual enough for you, but who knows.

    Have you ever thought of being a dramaturge for a theatre? Since you've done plenty of theatre I assume you know what that is. But just in case: You do all of the background research on the time period, and location of the show. All things the actors might not have the time to do themselves. You end up compliling a massive binder of print outs, and stacks of books with informtion from the layout of the land and streets that year (think about period peices! That's amazing!), manners that are different, cultural differences - ANYthing you can think of that would add to the authenticity of the show.

    It's pretty interesting. You would get to research and learn about every aspect of time in all sorts of time periods and places.

    *shrug* I dunno. You might hate the idea, but since you asked for suggestions, I thought I'd make one!

    Hope you're doing well! And good luck with you job search!
